This project was so easy. I saw the project finished in my head as soon as it caught my eye!
Most of us have more than just a couple pens and markers. Plus we’ve got rulers, files, tweezers, knives, bone folders, and all sorts! Most of you probably have jars or fun containers to keep them nice and tidy in, but some of you might be wondering what you can do to organize and keep them handy at the same time!
Well look no further than an old dishwasher!!! The cutlery holders in dishwashers come in all shapes and sizes, so although maybe one you’re chucking out isn’t suitable, or you aren’t chucking one out, but … you might know someone who is, and theirs would be perfect!

All I did was sand the plastic with some sand paper to remove all the little cuts and lifted groves near the top from the knives, then I spray painted it black to match my décor. I made sure to stand it on every side and spray from every angle so that no white showed through, and bang: Instant storage for the back of my desk that keeps everything nice and tidy, AND right here within reach!! The best part is, the footprint is long and narrow, perfect to keep tucked up at the back against the wall.
Can it be this easy? Yep!!!

Funny side-story…
When we bought our house, the dishwasher was in AWFUL condition, so we didn’t use it. Since we had furniture and appliances to buy, the dishwasher went on hold. Eventually DH decides we should buy a second-hand one, so we make arrangements to buy a guys dishwasher and when we arrive to pick it up, he says, “Ahh, just have it. I’m not 100% sure it works.” So we take it, and sure enough, it spilled water all over the floor when we turned it on.
I was having a yard sale, and just in case, I put both broken dish washers out with my goods, and labeled them up “Free” and “Even Freeer”. (Not before I took out my pen holder!) Needless to say nobody took them. About a month later, they still sat next to the garbage can, and DH said, “I’ll ask if I can throw those in the dumpster at work”. THAT NIGHT when we came home from work, they were GONE! Somebody finally thought Free and Even Freeer was a good deal... and just in time!!!
What a great idea, and it just so happens I have an old dish washer out in the barn!
Great way to salvage some otherwise trash. I'll have to share this idea with a friend of mine.
wow what an amazing idea. have to bookmark this.
wow, miss creative. You constantly amaze me. :D
Okay, where do we vote for "the coolest darn site we have ever seen"! This one would win, hands down!
Thanks to Julie Ebersole for pointing me here!
I agree! I've been using a basket-type cutlery holder from an old dishwasher for a few years now, but never thought to spray paint it. Now, where's that can 'o paint?
Once again...simply amazing!! I'm watching for old dishwashers now.
Becki :)
Well Dang! Isn't this the coolest idea? I would never have thought of it...but I want one now.
I don't have a dishwasher...let alone an old one. Sigh....
Great job as usual, Nat! Love how you think out of the box!
What a great idea! You truly have some of the best ideas around! As luck would have it, I have a dead dishwasher in my I have to see if the silverware rack will work...I hope it does!
you're awesome!...what more can i say abuot this creative juice you got going on...can you email me i need to ask you something about this blog site...i need to know how to put up a highlighted link in my post...any suggestions please help me out!!!
Wow Nat....I think you must be the most creative person I know! This is so stinkin' clever! Jen N
A friend of mine left a couch out on the curb hoping someone would just take it so he wouldn't have to take it to the dump and no one did so it just sat there - until he put a sign on it that said "For Sale $50" Someone "stole" it that night.
Girl!!! You are amazing!!!
What a fabulous idea!!
Love this idea, Nat!!!!!!!
You are so creative...
I think you should come visit me...and we'll go antiquing and hit some flea markets and see what fun things we can find that you can alter HEE HEE!
My favorite part is the "free" and "free-er"! ROFL DH will love that one!
NAT, you Turn the simplest of ideas into "WOW" ideas--this is Fabulous, and I know I've spent tons on little pen holders...gotta' rethink before I bUY! Anna D :)
This is a darling idea but becareful with you CM pens stored like this.. They should be stored lying flat.. Even cutier if you use your persission point adhesive pen and glued some flowers and bling to it.. Love this!
What a great idea! I am one of those with LOTS of gizmo's I need close at hand and this will definately keep close and organized. Thanks for the idea!
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