Sunday, January 6, 2008

I love my cell phone. :D

ok, I just wish I were a better picture taker. This mind you is a proto type. I have not mastered the mod podge on the plastic yet, but I have ideas! I think I am going to get a clear case, and do it on the inside instead of the outside. This picture shows flaws that are not noticeable in real life, lol. Anyway, just an idea.

I love all the cute cases they have available for cell phones, but I wanted an orginal! I love the basic grey phoebe line, so viola- I just coverd a case that was used and worn, and I got a whole new look. The gems actually stay, which I was surprised since i stick it in the side pocket of my purse. :D thanks for looking.


  1. Shellie!!! Girl you are so freakin' clever!! I never would have thought that in a million I'm off to play with my phone - ha ha!!! LOVE this idea!!!!!

  2. Now why didn't I think of this? Love it Shellie! I just love it!!

  3. I've been dying to see this since you first mentioned it! Love it you clever girl!!!!

  4. Oh my gosh shellie. This is awesome. Who'd a thunk about altering a cell phone cover. LOVE IT!

  5. What a totally cool idea! Looks cool and great paper choice!

  6. OH how funnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! Such a creative idea!!! :)
