Hello funkettes, we would like to welcome you to our blog hop! We have lots of people participating, and would love you to "Blop" on over and give us all a visit! Here is a little secret- if you leave a comment on every single person's blog involved in the hop, there will be a drawing for a nice little RAK! And if you are the only one that left a comment on every persons blog-- then there will only be one name in the hat huh? ;D I know some of the other gals are offering their own RAK's, so be sure and visit.
We want to share all the talent we have on our "ning" site, so everyone in the hop has posted a little eye candy to give you some inspiration, and hopefully a few ideas on some things you can incorporate into your own works of art. So without further adu we are sending you to
Chris's Blog to start you off. Happy "blopping"!
If in your travels you find someone that forgot to post their hop, you can come here and find the next person in line. (just highlight, copy and paste the url in yoru browser) that way you can get to everyone. Have fun!
1. Chris: http://www.thoughtswithchris.blogspot.com/
2. Dee: http://www.adashofdee.blogspot.com/
3. Meg: http://peacockpaperie.blogspot.com/
4. Jen: http://scrappingnichols.blogspot.com
5. Nancy: http://anothermdcrabbie.blogspot.com/
6. Ashjoy: http://1Ashjoyl.blogspot.com
7. Sara (Library Bunny): http://thumpster73.blogspot.com
8. Teri: http://terisplace.wordpress.com
9. Joy: http://www.joyhager.blogspot.com/
10. Suzanne: http://whatsinalousyananut.blogspot.com/
11. Andrea: http://imlivinonscraps.blogspot.com/
12. Charlene: http://scrappinchar.blogspot.com
13. Karen: http://www.fishingforscraps.blogspot.com/
14. Wendy: http://www.paperinkandsmiles.blogspot.com/
15. Shellie: http://shellieh98.blogspot.com
16. icutthescrap: http://icutthescrap.blogspot.com/
17. Brenda: http://www.brendasscrappyblog.blogspot.com/
18. Becki: http://ckmommy.blogspot.com/
19. Sheri: http://www.finkshappenings.blogspot.com/
20. Sally Lynn: http://www.inkyheart.typepad.com
21. Tara: http://purpleprincesstara.blogspot.com/
22. Heather: http://heathercarpenter-organizedchaos.blogspot.com
23. Natalie: http://getscatty.blogspot.com/
24. Regina: http://www.reginaeaster.blogspot.com/
25. Robyn: http://www.herebygrace.typepad.com